ยงLightbend Reactive Platform
We recommend that you use Lightbend Reactive Platform to take advantage of the Split Brain Resolver and the Diagnostics Recorder.
Read about the importance of the Split Brain Resolver in the Cluster Downing documentation.
To use Reactive Platform you need to adjust the build in your project.
1) Create a new file project/typesafe.properties
(put this in .gitignore
if the code will be released outside your organization) with the following content:
(Click to obtain a subscription ID)
2) Create a new file project/project/typesafe.sbt
with the following content. (Note: It is project/project
with two project
.) The values of rpVersion
and rpUrl
are subject to change:
// Update this when a new patch of Reactive Platform is available
val rpVersion = "16s01p03"
// Update this when a major version of Reactive Platform is available
val rpUrl = "https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/for-subscribers-only/7B885384C2F0904E32AA8CEBDB634710AF3DC819"
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.rp" % "sbt-typesafe-rp" % rpVersion)
// The resolver name must start with typesafe-rp
resolvers += "typesafe-rp-mvn" at rpUrl
// The resolver name must start with typesafe-rp
resolvers += Resolver.url("typesafe-rp-ivy", url(rpUrl))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
3) That is normally everything that is needed, but the current version of Reactive Platform does not include Play 2.5.0 yet, so we must adjust the build to not use the Play version that is included in Reactive Platform. In each project of the build.sbt
the following setting must be added. That can be done in the def project
helper method if you use that from the getting started build template.
// Play 2.5.0 is not part of RP yet
.settings(rpOverrides := rpOverrides.value.filterNot(_.organization == "com.typesafe.play"))
Similar must also be added to project/plugins.sbt
// Play 2.5.0 is not part of RP yet
rpOverrides := rpOverrides.value.filterNot(_.organization == "com.typesafe.play")