
Welcome to Lagom

  1. What is Lagom?
  2. What’s in the name?
  3. Where to begin

Getting started with Lagom

  1. Introduction and prerequisites
  2. Creating and running Hello World
  3. Understanding Hello World
  4. Learning more from Lagom examples

Lagom core concepts

  1. Introduction to Lagom concepts
  2. Lagom design philosophy
  3. Polyglot systems with Lagom
  4. Development environment overview
  5. Lagom build philosophy
  6. Component technologies
  7. API Overview
  8. Designing your microservices system
  9. Sizing individual microservices
  10. Internal and external communication
  11. Registering and discovering services
  12. Using Immutable Objects
  13. Managing data persistence
  14. Advantages of Event Sourcing
  15. Separating reads from writes
  16. Deploying scalable, resilient systems

Lagom reference guide

  1. Reference Guide
  2. Configuring builds and the development environment
    1. Defining a Lagom build
    2. Splitting a system into multiple builds
    3. Importing an sbt project into Intellij
    4. Importing an sbt project into Eclipse
    5. Increase Memory in sbt
  3. Running Lagom in development
    1. Development Environment
    2. Running Services
    3. How are Lagom services configured in development?
    4. Service Locator and Service Gateway
    5. Cassandra Server
    6. Kafka Server
  4. Writing Lagom services
    1. Service descriptors
    2. Implementing services
    3. Dependency Injection
    4. Scala Components
    5. Service Metadata
    6. Consuming services
    7. Testing Services
    8. Message serializers
    9. Header Filters
    10. Error handling
    11. Additional Routers
  5. Writing persistent and clustered services
    1. Persistent Entity
    2. Cassandra Persistent Entities
    3. Relational Database Persistent Entities
    4. Persistent Read-Side
    5. Cassandra Read-Side Support
    6. Relational Database Read-Side Support
    7. JDBC Read-Side Support
    8. Slick Read-Side Support
    9. Publish-Subscribe
    10. Cluster
    11. Serialization
  6. Decouple services with a message broker
    1. Message Broker Support
    2. Message Broker API
    3. Lagom Kafka Client
    4. Message Broker Testing
  7. Running Lagom in production
    1. Production Overview
    2. Akka Discovery Integration
    3. Lightbend Platform
  8. Logging
    1. Logging
    2. Configuring Logging
  9. Advanced topics
    1. Integrating with Akka
    2. Integrating with non Lagom services

Lagom releases

  1. What's new in Lagom 1.5
  2. Lagom 1.5 Migration Guide
  3. Lagom 1.4 Migration Guide
  4. Lagom 1.3 Migration Guide

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